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 Grow Cycle

- Instructions -


Cycle: Grow
Muscle Strength

Equipment Options:
Bands Workout OR Dumbbell Workout
Check your online training calendar to select which equipment workout you would like to use. 

Cardio training workouts: Weekly Interval Sprinting Programs (Optional: for maximum fat loss) 

NOTE: WISP 2 Only and only 1 session X week for Ectomorph body types.

NOTE: Ectomorphs only chose 1 WISP 2 day from below.


Day 1:  Legs and Shoulders workout 
Day 2:  Cardio - WISP 2 (Optional)
Day 3:  Chest & Triceps Workout 
Day 4:  Cardio - WISP 2 (Optional)
Day 5:  Back & Biceps -

Day 6:  Cardio - WISP 2


Always be sure to ramp up slowly on your warm up. You will only be doing a warm up before the first exercise of each weight training day.


Choose your day and click on the calendar to add exercises.

Check your workout calendar and start the workout on the phone app and click on the start workout button to check in and track stats (log exercise reps/sets)



Week 1 - Progression:
- You want to try to go up in weight by 5 lbs between 2 sets of reps of 6-8
- You will stay at the same weight (unless otherwise stated in the weekly progression) for the 2 sets of reps of 6 to 8.


Week 2 - Progression:
You will go up 5-10 lbs more on the on both sets (8 rep range) that you did on the previous week. Only if you were able to get 8 reps on both sets. If you could only get 7 reps or below 1 or both sets, you will stay at the same weight every week until you can achieve 8 reps on both sets
2 X8 reps = same as week 1
2 X8 reps = increase 5-10 lbs (next band color up)
2 X8 reps = increase 5-10 lbs (next band color up)
1 X 8 reps and 1 X 7 reps. Same as previous week.


Week 3 Progression:
Repeat steps for week 2 progression: You should be increasing your weight by 5 to 10 lbs every week. Be sure to challenge yourself.


Week 4 - Progression:
Repeat steps for week 3 progression: You should be increasing your weight by 5 to 10 lbs every week. Be sure to challenge yourself.Repeat steps for week 2 progression: You should be increasing your weight by 5 to 10 lbs every week. Be sure to challenge yourself.


Need resistance Bands?

Get the recommended bands I use here:

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